Dance composition: Dr. Ileana Citaristi
Music composition:Sri Ramahari Das, Guru Banamali Maharana
Date of composition: 2002

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Dasa Mahavidya’ or the ‘ten forms of supreme knowledge’ depicts the ten incarnations of Devi according to the tantric school of Indian philosophy. In this item each form of Devi is presented through a brief visualisation of her myth of origin followed by the description of her anthropomorphic form. The ten incarnations are: Kali or the ‘black goddess’, Tara ‘who guides us across the sansara’, Tripura Sundari‘who is lovely in the three worlds’, Bhuvaneswari ‘ whose body is the world’, Chinnamasta ‘the self-decapitate one’, Bhairavi or ‘the fierce one’, Dhumavati ‘born out of smoke’, Bagalamukhi ‘who paralyses’, Matangi ‘whose limbs are intoxicated’ and Kamala ‘the lotus goddess.